Thank You For Your Support on The Worcester City Council item 10b Last Night! What’s Next!?

We want to thank you for sending letters, e-mails, and phone calls to the Worcester City Council Members yesterday.  The quick response to this Council Item by several community members was very inspiring to us!  We, ourselves, were not aware of the item being introduced by Mayor Petty until yesterday morning.  At that point, we sent out a request to community members to ask for your support, and many of you answered the call!!!

What’s next?  Item 10b. was sent to the Public Service and Transportation Committee which includes Councilors Gaffney, Lukes, and Economou.  Also, I believe the City Manager will be reporting to them on this matter.

We ask that you contact these three City Council Members, if you have not already, and let them know how important it is that WCCA TV be put back on Channel 13, where we belong, instead of channel 194.  Currently, the pay-per-view NFL Channel is on channel 13, and people with the most basic cable are unable to even receive this pay-per-view option.  WCCA TV, for many years, was at channel 13, and the move away from there has resulted in some community members being unable to view the station.  This is contrary to the spirit of the public access channel agreement, and has decreased access to public access television instead of improving it.

Please make your voice heard on this issue.

Thank you, for your support.