A show about peace hosted by Virginia Swain. Virginia Swain, is the founder of the Coalition for the Human Right to Peace (HR2P), an integral part of the Global Alliance of a Culture of Peace. http://www.centerglobalcommunitylaw.org/wl_initiative_splash.html and http://www.aedidh.org/?q=node/1969 and http://www.aedidh.org/.
The Center for Global Community and World Law, which Virginia directs and co-founded, has become the umbrella organization for the HR2P endeavor in the United States. The Center has been given consultative status at the United Nations in 2011. For more about the Center, go to www.centerglobalcommunitylaw.org. http://www.telegram.com/article/20110630/FLASH/106309652/1239/telegramtowns&TEMPLATE=TOWNPORTAL&WT_TOWN=telegramtowns and http://www.telegram.com/article/20111013/COLUMN21/110139455/0/COLUMN
Posted December 8th 2011 5:05pm.