Video Jam Country 221

Spend an hour enjoying the latest and greatest in country music with host Tracy Foley. Playlist includes music from Sophie Bolen, Night Owl/ Ralph Stevens & Stephen J Kalinich, Last Shot/ Jimmy Buffet, Bubbles Up/ Jeff Cohen and Pancho's Lament, All the Light/ Joey Green, Heartbroke/ Cynthia Renee, Working on a Hangover/ Soul Circus Cowboys, Knowing That Girl/ Bernadette Kathryn, Monster/ Steel Skarecrow, Liquid Courage/ Brandon Maddox, Last Farm in the USA/ Wally Bartfay and Stephen Wrench, You're My Beautiful /Ashley Best, You Make Me and Wyatt Flores, West of Tulsa.

Posted January 4th 2024 2:44pm.

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